Overdose Prevention Sites

Overdose prevention sites are also commonly known as safe consumption spaces, or safe injection facilities. Nearly 100 exist all over the world, including in Canada, and no overdose deaths have ever been recorded in one such facility. In these spaces, people who use drugs may enter and consume any substance under the supervision of a medical professional.

While professionals do not facilitate drug use, their presence ensures that if someone begins to experience adverse consequences (eg. overdose), they may administer narcan / naloxone or provide other medical interventions.

In communities where overdose is of significant concern, safe consumption spaces offer the promise of reduced overdose fatalities. Yet in order to allow these facilities to operate in the US, significant support is necessary from federal officials.


Tulsi Gabbard on Overdose Prevention Sites

When asked by a radio listener during an interview how Gabbard feels about “needle exchange programs and these safe spaces for people who if they have an addiction to drugs and whatnot,” Gabbard expressed support. It is unclear whether the radio listener was referring to safe consumption spaces in her question, or as to whether Gabbard’s answer of support was meant to include safe consumption spaces.

When asked by a listener in a radio interview with New Hampshire Public Radio how Gabbard felt about needle exchange programs and safe consumption spaces, Gabbard answered, “I think that these programs, and I’ve heard a lot about kind of the Hub and Spoke program here in New Hampshire that are being implemented at the local level, do so much towards helping people find that safe space to begin that tough path towards recovery, towards ending that addiction. I want to bring up one thing that I think the state legislature here [New Hampshire] has passed, I think through the House [of Representatives], and that that is marijuana. I’ve introduced legislation at the federal level to end the federal marijuana prohibition for a whole host of reasons, but one of which is how we’ve seen a direct correlation in states that have either passed medical marijuana or completely decriminalized marijuana. We’ve seen that correlation in a drop in opioid addiction and also a correlating drop in opioid related deaths. So I think there’s a number of different avenues that we need to pursue to address this opioid crisis. Not a single one of them alone will be effective in doing so, but we have to treat it like the crisis that it is both in accountability and prosecution for those responsible for proliferating these drugs, and recovery and treatment and help for those who are suffering at the brunt of this crisis.” NHPR host Peter Biello followed up by asking for a clear yes or no on whether needle exchanges are a “good idea.” Gabbard responded, “Yes.”

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2020 Candidate Conversation: U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
March 21, 2019 | New Hampshire Public Radio

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Beto O’Rourke on Overdose Prevention Sites

O’Rourke has publicly supported the creation of overdose prevention sites, also known as safe consumption spaces. He has stated that he would allow communities to establish such programs. His proposed strategy to address the opioid crisis includes specific support for the systematic implementation of overdose prevention sites.

When voicing support for safe consumption spaces: “People who use drugs are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect.”

Regarding safe consumption spaces: “I want this to be a human and humane policy. I want it to be informed, guided and driven by the very people who are working on this, working through substance abuse challenges.”

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Andrew Yang On Overdose Prevention Sites

Yang supports overdose prevention sites.

On August 7, 2019 Yang tweeted his support for safe consumption sites in the US. Yang’s tweet read “We need more evolved approaches to opiate addiction. Overdose prevention sites would save lives – they are already helping people struggling with substance abuse in other countries. ‘You can’t recover if you’re dead.”
2020 Candidate Andrew Yang Tweets Support for Safe Consumption Spaces
Filter, August 8, 2019 | Alexander Lekhtman

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2020 Candidate Andrew Yang Tweets Support for Safe Consumption Spaces
Filter, August 8, 2019
Alexander Lekhtman

Opioid Crisis
Andrew Yang campaign website, 2019

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Elizabeth Warren on Overdose Prevention Sites

Warren supports legalization of safe consumption sites.

“I’ll support evidence-based safe injection sites and needle exchanges, and expand the availability of buprenorphine to prevent overdoses.”
Sanders and Warren back legalization of injection sites for drug users
Truthout, August 29, 2019 | Mike Ludwig

“We need evidence-based solutions to combat the opioid epidemic and if the science shows that supervised injection helps reduce death and get people into treatment programs, then I will support what the science shows. When we have proven ways to reduce harm connected to HIV/AIDS – like needle exchanges to address the multiple use of needles – then I support it.”
How Would The 2020 Presidential Candidates End the HIV Epidemic?
AIDS United, September 13, 2019

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Bernie Sanders on Overdose Prevention Sites

Sanders would legalize safe injection sites, and would support pilot programs for supervised injection sites.

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Justice and Safety for All
Bernie Sanders campaign website, 2019

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Amy Klobuchar on Overdose Prevention Sites

Kamala Harris on Overdose Prevention Sites

Julián Castro on Overdose Prevention Sites

In a conversation with IHRC, Castro expressed support for allowing cities to pilot overdose prevention site programs.

When asked by IHRC how Castro would instruct the Department of Justice as President to respond to safe consumption space efforts in cities like Philadelphia, Castro responded, “Well I would like these communities to be able to pursue these safe consumption spaces and essentially pilot out how they work. I believe that we owe it to the effort to see how we can make sure that we avoid these kinds of tragic circumstances… We’ve been trying it one way for so long, and I also believe, having been a Mayor of a city, that one of the values of local communities is that they can try out policy in their own community and measure the results and see how it works, because the system that we have in place right now doesn’t seem to be working very much at all. So… whether it’s Philadelphia or at some of the other cities that have tried it, I believe that we should allow for the piloting of these programs, and that that will help us come to a determination nationally about the approach.”

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Pete Buttigieg on Overdose Prevention Sites

Buttigieg would ensure that federal funds are available for safe injection site pilot programs, and would not allow states’ safe injection sites to be impeded by federal law enforcement policies.

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Cory Booker on Overdose Prevention Sites

Booker has not explicitly endorsed safe injection sites in publications, but told a constituent, on video, that he supports them.

“I fought hard as a mayor to open our first needle exchange center. Safe injection sites, I’m fully in favor of them.”
Cory Booker Confronted By Girl On Substance Abuse
NowThis News, May 19, 2019

“It was a big mistake when it was made. We thought, we were told by the experts, that crack — you never go back; it was somehow fundamentally different. It’s not different, but it’s trapped an entire generation… [I] may not have always gotten things right.” – At a January, 2019 breakfast commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. in reference to the 1988 legislation. Source

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