In a roundtable conversation with IHRC, Castro expressed support for syringe service programs and for lifting the federal funding ban for the purchase of syringes.

“Yes, I believe that we should invest in needle exchange programs that have shown themselves to be effective. Again, I think that that needs to be part of an overall strategy to help people get onto the path and life that they want. I don’t think any one piece is the answer just in and of itself, that it needs to be part of the strategy to get people the help that they need. Along with that strategy and those resource investments, then yes, I absolutely would [support lifting the federal funding ban on syringes], because I think we have enough evidence out there that needle exchange programs have worked. And I look at this through the perspective of how can we make sure that somebody is able to get the immediate help that they need to avoid worse outcomes? HIV or something else on top of right what they’re already dealing with and we have evidence that these work. So yes, I would [support lifting the federal funding ban on syringes].”

Julian Castro – IHRC 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Forum on the Overdose Crisis – Event 2
November 23, 2019

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