Yang would work to end the use of private prison facilities for federal inmates.

Yang promises to shift drug policy away from punishment and towards treatment.

Yang would push to reconsider harsh felony laws that prevent those who have served their prison term from reintegrating into society.

Yang would implement Universal Basic Income which will dramatically decrease incentives for criminality and improve the functioning of individuals and communities

Yang would work to implement a federal program of pre-trial services that would be made available to states, such as a text message system to remind individuals of their upcoming court dates.

Yang would invest money to fund innovative prison programs that decrease recidivism and increase reintegration.

Yang would invest money to support businesses that hire felons who have served their prison term.

Yang would identify non-violent drug offenders for probation and potential early release.

Yang would work with states to decrease their reliance on cash bail, providing assistance and grants for various programs to increase trial attendance without the need to incarcerate people ahead of conviction.

“People should not be going to jail because they cannot afford to make bail. That’s not the sort of country we are. It should not be criminal to be poor in this country. We can do better by improving the process leading up to a trial date—we should reduce our reliance on bail, and focus on clearer communication and services pre-trial.”

“Our rates of incarceration are 4 times higher than most other industrialized countries, and it’s a national disgrace. People on both sides of the aisle now recognize that our system is badly in need of reform. Our criminal justice system is particularly punitive toward blacks and other minorities. As President I will overhaul the treatment of drug offenses and reduce our rates of incarceration over time.”

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Decrease Pre-Trial Cash Bail
Andrew Yang campaign website, 2019

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