Klobuchar’s proposes $100 billion to combat drug and alcohol addiction and to improve mental health care. Klobuchar references her dad, who is in recovery from long-term alcohol

Klobuchar would increase funding for addiction and mental health programs, and would increase the number of beds in mental health and substance use treatment centers, especially in rural areas, and especially in areas hit hardest by the overdose crisis.

Klobuchar would expand Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics and treatment facilities.

Klobuchar would more strictly enforce the requirement of the Affordable Care Act that insurers cover mental health care.

Klobuchar will “make a major investment” into research and development of pain management alternatives to opioids.

Klobuchar would permanently repeal Medicaid’s “IMD Exclusion,” which prohibits Medicaid reimbursements for those receiving mental health or substance use care in facilities with more than 16 beds.

Klobuchar plan to address substance use includes funding for mental health programs at schools, as well, training for healthcare providers to recognize early warning signs of addiction and other mental health conditions, and school and community drug early-intervention programs.

Klobuchar would support public and nonprofit entities dealing in substance use treatment.

Klobuchar would increase funding for early intervention and treatment programs for drugs including cocaine and methamphetamine.

Klobuchar would increase the numbers of job training programs, transitional housing programs, and other social services for individuals in recovery.

Klobuchar will work to improve the unused prescription disposal options. In 2010, Klobuchar led the passage of the first major expansion of federal drug take-back programs with the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day campaign.

“I want other people to be pursued by grace. I want them to have the ability to get through this [addiction], and sometimes you can’t get through it the first time, and that includes people who are addicted to very difficult substances to get through – opioids, heroin now, that is out there more and more than we ever could have imagined, what we’re seeing with meth. Those are drugs that people are affected by in every community in this country.”
Klobuchar releases plan to treat substance abuse, mental illness
NBC News, May 3, 2019 | Ali Vitali and Kailani Koenig

“I think every American should have that right to be pursued by grace. That means enough beds in this country for people with mental health problems if they’re facing a crisis. That means doing something about our mounting suicide rate – for farmers, for veterans, for LGBTQ youth – and that means instead of just talking about this, actually putting the money into treatment. I have a proposal that’s paid for by yes, two cents per milligram fee on these opioid pharma companies that have made tons of money off the backs of people who got addicted, and you can use that money for not just opioids, you can also use it for these other drugs, as well as mental health. It means making sure on the road to recovery, you’ve got a job and you’ve got a place to live, and there are so many people in this country that are crying out for help.”
Klobuchar on new plan to address addiction, mental health
CNN, July 30, 2019 | Jake Tapper

“Well, the first thing I did would probably be our bigger bulk of cases was in drug court. We had very successful and have a very successful drug court, and that really is that second chance idea. That’s the idea that, yes, you could be facing jail time or prison time but its hung over your head, so you have a community, and you have treatment that helps you get through it, because we don’t like to see repeat customers in the criminal justice system. We like them to go out of the criminal justice system.”

Klobuchar releases plan to treat substance abuse, mental illness
NBC News, May 3, 2019 | Ali Vitali and Kailani Koenig

Read More

Amy Klobuchar Proposes $100 Billion for Addiction and Mental Health
The New York Times, May 3, 2019 | Maggie Astor

Amy’s Plan to Combat Addiction and Prioritize Mental Health
Medium, May 3, 2019 | Amy for America

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